Becoming Prepared>Survival Skills>How to Secure a Hang-On Tree Stand

How to Secure a Hang-On Tree Stand

Aug 20, 2024 | by N Johansson

Using a hang on tree stand

How to Secure a Hang-On Tree Stand: A Comprehensive Guide


Hang-on tree stands are a favorite among hunters for their versatility, portability, and the strategic advantage they offer in the field. Unlike ladder stands or climbers, hang-on stands provide the flexibility to set up in almost any tree, allowing hunters to position themselves in the perfect spot for a successful hunt. However, with this versatility comes the critical responsibility of ensuring that the stand is properly secured. Understanding how should a hang-on stand be secured is not only vital for your safety but also essential for maintaining your edge in the wild. This guide will walk you through the key steps to selecting, installing, and maintaining your hang-on stand effectively.

Choosing the Right Tree

The foundation of a secure hang-on stand installation starts with choosing the right tree. A good tree should be straight, healthy, and have a diameter that allows for a stable attachment of your stand. Here’s what to consider:

  1. Tree Straightness: Look for a tree that is as straight as possible. A tree with a significant lean can make it difficult to securely attach the stand and could lead to unsafe conditions.

  2. Tree Health: The tree must be healthy, with no signs of disease or decay. Avoid trees with dead branches, visible cracks, or soft, rotting wood. These can compromise the tree’s integrity and your safety.

  3. Tree Diameter: A tree with a diameter between 12 to 20 inches is generally ideal. This size offers sufficient girth for a secure attachment of the stand and straps, while not being so large that it becomes difficult to get a snug fit.

  4. Strategic Location: Beyond the physical characteristics of the tree, consider its location relative to game trails, feeding areas, and wind direction. The best tree is one that not only supports your stand but also positions you in a prime spot for hunting.

Essential Equipment

To secure a hang-on stand properly, you’ll need a few essential pieces of equipment. Having the right tools not only makes the installation process smoother but also ensures your safety.

  • Quality Hang-On Stand: Invest in a well-built, sturdy stand. Look for one with a weight capacity that exceeds your weight, including gear.

  • Full-Body Safety Harness: A harness is non-negotiable. This is your primary line of defense against falls.

  • Sturdy Climbing Sticks or Ladder: These provide safe and easy access to your stand. Choose sticks or ladders that are durable and easy to secure.

  • Ratchet Straps or Cam Buckle Straps: These straps are used to secure the stand to the tree. Ratchet straps are typically more secure, but cam buckles are easier to adjust and remove.

  • Lifeline System: This safety device allows you to stay attached from the ground to your stand and back, minimizing the risk of a fall.

Step-by-Step Securing Process

1. Install Climbing System
Start by securely attaching your climbing sticks or ladder to the tree. Place the first stick or ladder section at a comfortable height above the ground. Make sure each section is firmly attached, with enough spacing between steps to allow for a safe and comfortable climb. Proper spacing is crucial to prevent overreaching, which can lead to accidents.

2. Use a Lifeline
Before ascending, install a lifeline. Attach it securely at ground level and at the height of your stand. As you climb, keep your safety harness attached to this lifeline. This continuous connection significantly reduces the risk of a fall.

3. Position the Stand
Once you reach your desired height, position the hang-on stand against the tree. The stand should be level and sit flush against the tree trunk. If the stand isn’t level, adjust its position or consider using a leveling device if available. A level stand is crucial for comfort and safety during long sits.

4. Secure the Stand
Now it’s time to secure the stand. Use two straps for maximum stability: one should be placed near the seat, and the other at the base of the stand. Start by loosely attaching the top strap, then the bottom strap. Gradually tighten both, ensuring the stand remains level and does not shift as you do so. Proper tightening is key—straps that are too loose can cause the stand to wobble or move, while overly tight straps might damage the stand or the tree.

5. Test the Installation
Before fully committing to the stand, carefully test its stability. Gently shift your weight to check for any movement or unusual noises. If the stand wobbles or creaks, recheck the straps and adjust as needed. It’s better to spend extra time ensuring the stand is secure than to risk a fall.

For those looking for a reliable and comfortable hang-on stand, the Summit Treestands SU82117 is a top choice. This lightweight stand is built with a comfort mesh seat that makes long hours in the tree more bearable. Its sturdy construction and ease of setup make it an excellent option for both novice and experienced hunters. With a weight capacity of up to 300 pounds, it’s designed to safely support you and your gear. The stand also comes with high-quality ratchet straps, ensuring that it stays securely attached to the tree throughout your hunt.

Additional Safety Tips

  • Always Wear Your Safety Harness: Never skip wearing your harness, even for a brief moment. The majority of hunting accidents involving tree stands happen due to falls.

  • Inspect All Equipment Before Each Use: Regularly check your stand, straps, and safety gear for wear and tear. Replace any equipment that shows signs of damage.

  • Replace Straps Regularly: Over time, straps can weaken due to exposure to the elements. Replacing them every couple of years helps maintain safety.

  • Mind the Weight Limit: Every stand has a maximum weight limit, which includes your body weight plus any gear. Exceeding this limit can compromise the stand’s structural integrity.


Securing a hang-on tree stand is a critical process that ensures both your safety and success during hunting. By carefully selecting the right tree, using the proper equipment, and following a meticulous installation process, you can confidently use your stand throughout the hunting season. Remember, understanding how should a hang-on stand be secured is more than just knowledge—it’s a practice that should be revisited and refined with each use. Regular maintenance and checks will keep your stand in top condition, providing a safe and stable platform for your outdoor adventures. Happy hunting!