Becoming Prepared>Emergency Kits>Survival fishing kit

Survival fishing kit

Jul 18, 2024 | by N Johansson

survival fishing kit

Survival Fishing Kits: Essential Components, DIY Tips, and Expert Advice

When it comes to surviving in the wild, knowing how to catch your own food is a crucial skill. A well-prepared survival fishing kit can make all the difference between a successful foraging adventure and going hungry. Whether you’re an avid outdoorsman, a prepper, or just someone who loves the idea of self-sufficiency, having a comprehensive guide to survival fishing kits is essential. In this ultimate guide, we’ll explore the must-have components, share some DIY tips to personalize your kit, and offer expert advice to ensure you’re always ready for the unexpected. Dive in and discover everything you need to know to master the art of survival fishing.

Understanding Survival Fishing Kits


A survival fishing kit is a portable, minimalistic collection of fishing tools designed to provide essential resources for catching fish in emergency or survival scenarios. Unlike bulky fishing gear, these kits focus on efficiency and versatility to adapt to diverse and unpredictable environments.


Survival fishing kits are invaluable in outdoor emergencies where conventional food sources are scarce. They are especially critical during activities like camping, hiking, or experiencing unexpected wilderness situations. By providing the means to secure a sustainable source of nutrition, these kits turn natural water bodies into potential lifelines.

Components Overview

Most survival fishing kits include fundamental items like fishing lines, hooks, sinkers, and lures. Optional enhancements such as multi-tools and pre-packaged bait expand their utility. The composition of these kits can vary, tailored to different fishing environments like rivers, lakes, or coastal areas.

survival fishing kit

Essential Components of a Survival Fishing Kit

Basic Components

  1. Fishing Line:

    • Durable lines that can withstand diverse conditions. Thin, clear lines suit calm, clear waters, while thicker lines are better for murky, turbulent currents.
  2. Hooks:

    • A variety of sizes to capture different fish species. Smaller hooks for small fish, larger hooks for big catches in robust waters.
  3. Sinkers:

    • Weights that ensure your bait reaches the ideal depth. Various weights suit different water currents and depths.
  4. Lures:

    • Artificial bait designed to attract fish. Choose lures based on water clarity, with shiny lures working well in clear environments.

Optional Components

  1. Multi-Tool:

    • Handy for preparing bait and mending gear. Tools with screwdrivers, pliers, and knives are especially valuable.
  2. Bait:

    • While natural bait is often available, having pre-packaged options, such as artificial worms, saves time and offers versatility.
  3. Storage Containers:

    • Organize and protect your kit with waterproof containers that prevent rust and decay.

Expert Tips

  • Pro Tip 1: Utilize natural bait like insects or small worms to increase catch rates, particularly in forested areas where grubs found under logs or stones are effective. Try worm grunting in order to collect bait in the area that you are located.

  • Pro Tip 2: Match your fishing line to water conditions—clear, thin lines for visible waters and thicker lines for murky environments to bolster success rates.

Best Kits Available

  • Uncle Flint's Survival Fishing Kit:
  • Comes in a tin container with a variety of lures
  • Yoyito Compact Survival Fishing Kit:
  • Aluminum Cuban yoyo-style reel
  • Best Glide Survival Fishing Kit:
  • Well-balanced and compact, includes H-frames similar to WW2 kits

Comparative Analysis

A comparison chart showcasing features, pros, cons, and prices of top kits. Examine metrics like durability, ease of use, suitability for various environments, and user satisfaction.

Kit Name Key Features Portability Versatility User Satisfaction Price Range
Uncle Flint's Tin container, variety of lures High Moderate High Low
Yoyito Compact Aluminum yoyo reel Very High Moderate Very High Medium
Best Glide H-frames, well-balanced High High High High

DIY Survival Fishing Kits

Materials Needed

To create your own survival fishing kit, you'll need the following essential components:

  • Fishing line (various weights)
  • Assorted hooks (different sizes)
  • Sinkers or weights
  • Artificial lures or flies
  • Multi-tool with pliers
  • Waterproof container

For emergency improvisation, consider natural alternatives:

  • Use plant fibers or animal sinew for fishing line
  • Craft hooks from bones, thorns, or small twigs
  • Use pebbles or small rocks as sinkers

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Collect all materials listed above.
  2. Assemble basic components:
    • Cut fishing line into various lengths (e.g., 10ft, 20ft, 30ft)
    • Organize hooks by size in a small, sealable bag
    • Group sinkers and lures separately
  3. Add optional items:
    • Include a multi-tool for cutting line and removing hooks
    • Pack small packets of preserved bait (e.g., salmon eggs)
    • Choose a waterproof container that fits all components
  4. Test the kit:
    • Practice tying knots and setting up different rigs
    • Ensure all items fit securely in the container
    • Adjust contents based on your specific needs or environment

Tips for Customization

  • For freshwater fishing, include more lightweight hooks and lines
  • For saltwater environments, add corrosion-resistant hooks and stronger lines
  • In cold climates, include hand warmers and waterproof matches
  • For arid regions, add extra line that can double as cordage for shelter building

Usage Tips and Techniques

Fishing Techniques

Basic Techniques:

  • Hand-lining: Hold the line between your thumb and forefinger, letting it out slowly. Feel for bites and pull quickly to set the hook.
  • Improvised rod: Use a sturdy, flexible branch as a rod. Tie the line to the tip and use the branch's flexibility for casting and reeling.

Advanced Techniques:

  • Trotline: Set up a horizontal line between two points with multiple baited hooks hanging from it.
  • Fish traps: Create simple traps using natural materials like reeds or branches in shallow water.

Situational Tips

Different Environments:

  • Rocky shores: Use heavier sinkers to keep bait near the bottom. Target crevices and underwater structures.
  • Vegetated areas: Use weedless hooks or try surface lures to avoid snagging.

Seasonal Considerations:

  • Spring: Use smaller lures as fish are more active but still recovering from winter.
  • Summer: Fish early morning or late evening when fish are most active.
  • Fall: Use larger lures as fish are feeding more to prepare for winter.
  • Winter: Fish deeper waters where fish congregate in colder months.

Video Tutorial Recommendations

While I can't provide direct links, search for survival fishing tutorials from reputable outdoor and survival channels on YouTube. Look for content creators who emphasize practical, minimalist techniques suitable for survival situations.

Maintenance and Storage

Routine Maintenance

  • Clean all metal components with fresh water after use, especially if used in saltwater
  • Inspect lines for frays or weak spots, replacing as necessary
  • Check hooks for sharpness, replacing or sharpening dull hooks
  • Ensure the container remains waterproof, replacing seals if needed

Maintenance Checklist:

  • Clean all components
  • Inspect and replace lines
  • Check hook sharpness
  • Verify container integrity
  • Replenish any used items

Proper Storage

  • Store the kit in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture damage
  • For backpacking, use a small, crush-proof container that can fit in a pocket
  • In vehicles, secure the kit to prevent rattling and damage from temperature fluctuations
  • Consider vacuum-sealing components for long-term storage or extremely wet environments

survival fishing

Expert Opinions and Reviews

Aggregated Insights

Survival experts consistently emphasize the importance of practice and familiarity with your kit. As one expert puts it, "The best survival fishing kit is the one you know how to use effectively."

Key expert tips include:

  • Always carry multiple fishing methods (e.g., line, net, trap)
  • Learn to identify edible aquatic plants as a backup food source
  • Practice knot-tying regularly to ensure quick, secure connections in stressful situations